Dr Chris Torrance – Interview with Dr Lara Marks

Earlier in the year, Dr Lara Marks, conducted interviews with Dr Chris Torrance about his background and career. Below is a snippet from the article written by Dr Lara Marks. In October 2022 Chris agreed to become the Non-Executive Chair of Enhanc3D Genomics. Founded in January 2020, Enhanc3D Genomics set out to develop a disruptive […]

One Brilliant Bootcamp

One Nucleus ran their inaugural Boston Bootcamp at the end of April, and Enhanc3D Genomics was one of the winners who got to benefit from the experience. Hazel Jones, CEO at Enhanced, reflects on the week and the lasting benefits of stepping out of the day job. “This bootcamp was a brilliant opportunity to build […]

J.P. Morgan’s 42nd Annual Healthcare Conference – Enhanc3D Genomics’ Chair Chris Torrance offers his perspective

J.P. Morgan’s 42nd Annual Healthcare Conference 2024 (JPM24) took place last month in San Francisco, California. Widely regarded as the largest and most informative healthcare investment gathering, the conference serves as a hub for global industry professionals and healthcare companies, senior government officials, innovative technology developers, and investors to convene and discuss pivotal milestones and […]